Wednesday, October 1, 2008

*~*Little Stars of Hatred*~*

I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my cousin and my sister and create a list of things that have been driving me crazy, approprietly named the Little Stars of Hatred. here goes...

* I am so tired of puking..when will this freaking medicine start working the way it's supposed to. I guess the positive is I'm supposed to lose weight...

* We've been waiting for a part for our tv for like 3 weeks now. It finally arrived yesterday but the part we got is only half of what we need...come on people, I told you exactly what I needed, and this wasn't exactly it.

* Trying to get on the internet last night was freaking impossible. After tinkering with it for about 4 hours I called the tech line and was told that I needed to call back during business hours because there was a "problem." Seriously...

* Everyone decided not to show up for work today. 3 people called in "sick." I swear to god I work with a clan of crybabies that seem to find everyway possible not to come to work. Money is a good thing..don't they need it like I do? You'd think so.

* Yes. My name is Aja. It isn't short for anything. It is pronounced "asia". It, however, is not pronounced ajay, aha, adja, aujua, aujus, or any other possible way of pronounciation. If you are not sure how to say it, just ask. This has got to be one of my pet peeves....eck
I'm sure there is a WHOLE bunch more things for me to complain about and if I think of them I will make sure to add them...


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had been puking too. Um, call me.

Aja Phelps said...

well technically it's not everyday but it seems like everytime they switch up my meds I get nausea and stomach problems...I'm just sick of always having to go through that every time.