Monday, August 24, 2009

Yay for Bachelorette parties!

Went to my 1st bachelorette party ever on saturday. All I've got to say is people need to get married more often so I can go to these things. I had sooo much fun!
Firstly, it was my best friends Sister, Liz, who's getting married. I've never seen so much lingerie in my life! We started the evening off with some pictionary like game for the bride to be. My group totally won, probably because Kelsey and Talisa started guessing before they started drawing, plus most of them started out with a stick figure so it wasn't too complicated to just shout out everything that had to do with the wedding party!

Our second game was a little more fun......

We played some "Dick Ring Hoopla"(ring toss) for a while before she opened her gifts.

I do believe my gift was the best.....


After the gifts, we played the best game of the night. It's a photo scavenger hunt where you drive around to take pictures of whatever was on the list. Kristina and I already knew what was on the list, as we were the ones that made it...yeah...we lost! But here's some pictures of the night!

Take a picture of everyone in the team making a funny face:

Take a picture of someone in the group humping an inanimate object in public:

Take a picture of someone in the group with a random person: (Brian from Fred Meyer, who wanted to look at our list to make sure it wasn't "random ugly person")

Member of the group with underwear over their clothes (Talisa is good at this kinda stuff....)

And my personal favorite.....

Every member in the group in a piggy back:
(originally it was only 3 person groups, and we figured that we would just stick with 3 people in the piggy back....Kristina and I should be curb stomped for adding this to the list....)

1st try...

2nd try... (I totally have a bruise on my knee from this one!)

SUCCESS!!! (sorta...)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Need to step it up, bring my A game....

So...trying to remember everything that has gone on since my last blog. Bear with me here! I'm trying!!!

Most recently we went to the coast, last weekend, to celebrate 3 people's birthdays; Dave's Dad, Remmy and Triston. Over all it was fun, I guess. We didn't really do much outside of eating at some pretty expensive restaurants and watch Josh tangle the f*$% out of his 200 dollar kite.
I think the most excitement we had was going to the Spice Video adult novelty store with Ash and Josh...oh, and Dave's parents! How could I forget!
Not only was it super awkward for Ash and Dave to be bumping elbows with their parents in the toy eisle, it was SUPER amusing for me, and I think Josh might agree.

Here are some excerpts from our little adventure

::ash picks up edible underwear::
Ash: Hey David, look at these!
::dave turns around, edible underwear already in hand with crooked grin::

Ash: So, how do you know which one of these are better than the other?
Aja: I don't know, they all have the same idea...Holy shit, you can plug that one into your ipod!
::ash laughs::
Ash: ya, I don't need one that high tech.


::ash and aja standing in aisle viewing the selection
Creepy salesman: If you girls want to bring some of them up, I"ll put batteries in them and show you what they can do.
::nervous sideways glance to eachother::
Aja: Naaaah....I think we're good thanks.


I will try to blog more often! I promise!!