Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Need to step it up, bring my A game....

So...trying to remember everything that has gone on since my last blog. Bear with me here! I'm trying!!!

Most recently we went to the coast, last weekend, to celebrate 3 people's birthdays; Dave's Dad, Remmy and Triston. Over all it was fun, I guess. We didn't really do much outside of eating at some pretty expensive restaurants and watch Josh tangle the f*$% out of his 200 dollar kite.
I think the most excitement we had was going to the Spice Video adult novelty store with Ash and Josh...oh, and Dave's parents! How could I forget!
Not only was it super awkward for Ash and Dave to be bumping elbows with their parents in the toy eisle, it was SUPER amusing for me, and I think Josh might agree.

Here are some excerpts from our little adventure

::ash picks up edible underwear::
Ash: Hey David, look at these!
::dave turns around, edible underwear already in hand with crooked grin::

Ash: So, how do you know which one of these are better than the other?
Aja: I don't know, they all have the same idea...Holy shit, you can plug that one into your ipod!
::ash laughs::
Ash: ya, I don't need one that high tech.


::ash and aja standing in aisle viewing the selection of..ahem..toys...::
Creepy salesman: If you girls want to bring some of them up, I"ll put batteries in them and show you what they can do.
::nervous sideways glance to eachother::
Aja: Naaaah....I think we're good thanks.


I will try to blog more often! I promise!!

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