Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hey! Long time no see!

So I guess it's been almost a month since I've updated my blog but honestly I didn't have much I wanted to say. I suppose I can conjure up something somewhat interesting for you to read...
My manager is moving to Medford with her teen daughter that just had a baby...Talk about hitting two birds with one stone! I don't have to see either of them anymore within a period of only a few weeks! After over a year of torture after being under her "management" if that is what you even want to call it, I am completely up for someone new, and maybe even qualified for the job.
I had my interview for the reserves last night. Let me tell you. That pretty much sucked the big one. Not only did I draw a mental blank on alot of questions but after I answered what they asked me they stared at me for about 3 seconds after I was finished. Did I not answer how they wanted? Were my answers to dull or not long enough? Are they robots with computer software analyzing my every word? Still unsure of those answers as I was some of the questions they asked me. So who knows what will happen. I took a written test afterwards which seemed pretty easy. I just need to pass the background test and eventually find 12 references in which they will call EVERY SINGLE ONE to see if I am really a good person and who I say I am...

On an ending note, I am tired as hell, still wearing yesterdays makeup and the same clothes I wore for the interview. I can barely stay a wake while writing this...I am sitting in front of a nice toasty heater with a blanket over my legs....I think I will rest my head...I AM NOT SLEEPING....but it does feel really nice...I..zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just my luck....or unluck

I have come to understand that animals have absolutley no appreciation for what you do for them. It seems that every time I take the animals to the vet, dog OR cat, there is always some urine in return. When bringing Edge back from the vet, he released a gallon of completely fowl smelling pee all on the passenger floor board of my car in which I have not succesfully removed. Upon returning from the vet with Henry after getting him fixed, he managed to pee in his carrier, soaking his tail that he then slapped me in the eyeball with while jumping out, sending the amazing liquid all over my face and down my right arm. I proceeded to stand there in shock for about 5 seconds recapping what just had happened before I ran to the sink and washed my eyeball, face and arm. Um? Is the pee necessary?????? By sheer assumption I think I know the answer!

Monday, October 6, 2008

10 lbs? Is my scale broken or is this accurate??

So the other night I weighed myself, and discovered that since my last visit to the doctor I had indeed lost 10 lbs. Now I'm not exactly sure that the scale isn't one of those that lies to you but I am just going to agree with it. I have also decided that I am going to start working out more. I have been watching what I eat and feel that eventually all of this will be under control and I will be myself again. The person I was 2 years ago. The energetic, athletic, happy, horny Aja. I'm sure Dave will be happy when I return.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

*~*Little Stars of Hatred*~*

I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my cousin and my sister and create a list of things that have been driving me crazy, approprietly named the Little Stars of Hatred. here goes...

* I am so tired of puking..when will this freaking medicine start working the way it's supposed to. I guess the positive is I'm supposed to lose weight...

* We've been waiting for a part for our tv for like 3 weeks now. It finally arrived yesterday but the part we got is only half of what we need...come on people, I told you exactly what I needed, and this wasn't exactly it.

* Trying to get on the internet last night was freaking impossible. After tinkering with it for about 4 hours I called the tech line and was told that I needed to call back during business hours because there was a "problem." Seriously...

* Everyone decided not to show up for work today. 3 people called in "sick." I swear to god I work with a clan of crybabies that seem to find everyway possible not to come to work. Money is a good thing..don't they need it like I do? You'd think so.

* Yes. My name is Aja. It isn't short for anything. It is pronounced "asia". It, however, is not pronounced ajay, aha, adja, aujua, aujus, or any other possible way of pronounciation. If you are not sure how to say it, just ask. This has got to be one of my pet peeves....eck
I'm sure there is a WHOLE bunch more things for me to complain about and if I think of them I will make sure to add them...