Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Parvo....fucking parvo...

So we discovered today that our german shepherd Edge has parvo. I had to put 250 dollars down and then the rest is due when he is better, which could be up to 600 dollars depending on what type of treatment he has to have. Officially....I have no money. My savings is completely depleted, as is my checking, or joint checking, and both of our visa's. God bless the fucking economy because not only is it draining me financially but physically and mentally. I sit on my computer at work everyday wondering how bills will get paid on time and if we'll have some extra money to buy things we need like....food. I guess if all else fails we have plenty of Top Ramen left in our pantry we can eat until, maybe if happenen to have a miracle, we sell some crap and get rid of our debt. Until then, I will continue to worry and scrape and deal with the fact that it's going to be a while before things get better.

Did I mention that I'm broke?? Oh yes. yes I did.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That sucks. Do they think the prognosis is good? Did you catch it early enough?

Anonymous said...

They think so. He has to stay at the clinic for up to 5 days and get his fluids and nutrients so they are hoping that he will be ok. only time will tell...