Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Kat Klepto

Ok, so I just got my cat back from the freaking "humane" society after our crazy neighbor, fittingly named the Kat Klepto keeps taking my cats there. After recovering him, I promptly called the police and filed a theft complaint and wrote this letter to the editor of our local newspaper. Enjoy...

Firstly, this is not solely directed towards the Humane Society, but more at an individual that works there. Over the past couple months, I have had to take time out of my busy schedule, usually on my lunch break, to go and regain the ownership of my cats. Our neighbor, who will remain nameless, works at the shelter. She thinks it is her duty to try and catch every cat in the neighborhood and assume it is a feral or diseased cat. I understand her motives but this is unacceptable. The first time one of my cats came up missing I was unhappy for weeks, thinking she had been run over or had taken off. Only then did another neighbor alert me of this woman's ridiculous habit. Upon picking up my cat, I was then lectured on how I need to keep collars on my cats and keep them inside. I don't know about anyone else who has tried this with outside cats, but trying to keep a collar on them is close to impossible. So, trying to better the situation, I put collars on all 3 of cats and even had my newly acquired kitten neutered. I also tried keeping them inside for longer periods of time only to realize that was also close to impossible. This last time my male cat came up missing I knew exactly where to look. When the woman had me identity my cat, I was not so happily greeted by a crying, terrified cat covered in his own feces. Now, I am not exactly an expert on diseases and such but when an animal is rolling around in it's own filth, I can't see how that is preventing sickness and disease. One of her reasons for trapping these animals is to prevent this from happening correct? They then also tried to make me pay to get my cat back. I'm sorry but when did we start having to pay to get stolen possessions returned? Which is exactly what it is, theft, in general meaning the wrongful taking of someone else's property without that person's willful consent. Another one of her reasons is the animals continue to “use her carport as a bathroom.” I have a solution for that. Stop trapping these animals in your yard. It's only obvious that the food being used is attracting “strays” as well as peoples beloved pets that they don't want to be away from. It is quite easy to tell which cats are strays and which aren't just by their mannerism. I don't know why there are such difficulties with that. If anyone has recently lost their pet, it is a good idea to check the shelter, because you just might have a neighbor like mine.

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